Hebrews 3:13 NASB
It is never too early to do a kindness to another person when the opportunity arises. The Lord is kind to us every second that we are alive and breathing, whenever our children are in good health and whenever we are able to stand in the face of adversity.
God does not wait for us to beg him before he is kind to us because his love for us while we were yet sinners made him to give his only begotten son to die for us on the cross for our salvation! (John 3:16-18). His death has availed us divine health, sound mind, divine provisions and victory over the enemies' plans.
He is kind to us when we prosper with a little effort and we find our coast being enlarged when we call him to bless us (1Chron. 4:9-10).
God's kindness knows no color or tribe, it is all encompassing drawing you closer to him daily. God's type of kindness is what we should be to those we come across in the course of living our lives on earth because we do not know when we will be called home and we paid nothing to receive kindness from God so don't expect payment for yours.
You cannot do a kindness too soon, because you never know how soon it will be too late! (God's little instruction book for women)
*******Have fun till we met again*******