Thursday, 31 January 2013


Who do you trust when things go haywire? when things don't go your way?
Proverbs 3:5- Trust in the Lord with all your hearts and lean not in your understanding, when your children exhibit certain traits you have dreaded to see in them, do you worry or call on God who created them in his own very image? When you are sick all of a sudden when you need to out there working, who do you turn to for good health?
Proverbs 3:6- Acknowledge him in all your ways and he shall direct your path. He is faithful that promised and he doesn't lie.
Call on God when you are confused, in misery, in pain, depressed, confused and any other disturbing feeling you can think up and he will answer. Call him through the study of the word, praises and prayers and you will have calmness because our Lord is a storm stiller.
******* Have fun till we meet again*******

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