Tuesday, 5 February 2013


1Peter4:9-"Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling". There are different ways to offer hospitality to someone, it is not just opening a door with a smile and giving a seat to the person, it involves  a lot of other things which some of us fail to do even as we welcome someone to our home.
One of the ways to offer hospitality is the level of care we give to our visitor. Ensure they are comfortable and their needs are met as much as lies in your power. Know when to offer hospitality by being silent and giving your visitor some space and when to offer excitement or when to occupy them.
As you do all these, you should do them with joy and no grumbling (1Peter 4:9) because we should always bear in mind that all we do, we should do as unto the Lord (1Corth 10:31b).
******* Have fun till meet again*******

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