Tuesday, 1 April 2014


What does a new month mean to you? Does it mean new opportunities, new strength or energy? To me it means new opportunities to do things right , to please God and commit my life afresh to him. It is a time to check our priorities and our way of life, check what is important to us. It is also a time to review our relationship with God and check if positive changes has happened in the past months in our lives. It is also a time to check our attitudes so far towards situations and people.
There are so many things we can input into the new month but we should choose the one that will ensure that God is tightly knitted into us and this entails a life of obedience to God's word to ensure a successful life, Joshua 1:8 and Isaiah 1:19 "if ye be willing and obedient,  ye shall eat the good of the land"
Happy New Month!!!!!
*******Have fun till we meet again*******

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