Saturday, 22 August 2015

True humility

Proverbs 18:12.(KJV) "Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility."
        Our Lord Jesus Christ while on earth was so humble and compassionate that he did not discriminate who he interacted with. A lot of christains walk with head held high attitude as if temptations comes to a particular set of people. An attitude of don't dirty (as they would say) they would display towards those they deem too sinful. Christians should be humbled by the fact that their sins are no longer imputed to them, so, instead of being haughty or prideful in our salvation, we should hunger to bring as many as possible to God's Kingdom to enjoy the liberty that comes with being saved. Then will God honour us in the now and in the later (Rev. 22:12).  Have a great weekend.
******Have Fun Till We Meet Again******

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