John 1:5
The bible says we are the light of the world in Mathew 5:14. We are the light of the world not because of how fair we are, the clothes we wear or how intelligent we are. It is the light that comes from knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and saviour, the light that comes from living a holy life, loving each other truly with the love of God that does not bear grudges or think evil about another.Darkness in this context is all about hatred, gossip, backbitin, slander, unforgiveness, lording it over others etc. When this darkness reside in you, it can only be dispelled not by flourescent bulbs or flood lights but by the presence of the true light Jesus Christ. He can alone can take away the darkness from our lives and ensures that electricity remains constant and there is no blackouts!
When you have the light in you, you have no choice but to do good and when you do good you will be rewarded just as it is written in Proverbs 14:14b "---good people recieve their reward." Do want a good reward?
*******Have fun till we meet again*******
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