Ephesians 6:4(NIV)
This instructions is not just for fathers but also for mothers too. We are commanded to bring our children up in the knowledge of God. It means to teach them what is right and what is wrong, acceptable behaviours and unacceptable ones. It includes loving them and making the right knowledge that will guide their decisons when your are not there available to them.As stories of children being sexually molested is on the rise, parents should wake upto their responsibilities of taking care of the children God has given them. I had the opportunity of listening to a teaching of a minister involved in children ministry and the stories i heard was so heart breaking! I learnt a lot from that presentation and i also understood that basically the problems start from us parents. We are swamped with so much to do and in the midst of it we forget our primary assignment which is to take care of this children, teach them, love them and guide them.
I will proffer the same advice we were given in program, show love to your children, be their friend and don't ever think your presence can be replaced by your presents!!!
God help us do our part and our best as parents in Jesus name!
*******Have fun till we meet again******
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