Friday 24 July 2015


James 5:16.(KJV) "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
          This is an instruction to every child of God, that we should pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ that are sick. Sickness can be physical, spiritual, mental or psychological. We do not need to gossip about it, all we need do is pray that the individual should begin to enjoy the healing and true liberty in Christ Jesus. If you are bothered about a particular person or some people's behaviour in the body Christ, your office or home, the best solution is to pray as discussion or meditation on it will not cause a change. Jesus Christ depended on prayers to see him through his assignment on earth, therefore we that believe in him should also depend on it to see us through our Christian race. God's grace is sufficient for us. Enjoy your day.
*****Have Fun Till We Meet Again*****

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